Server : Apache System : Linux iZ2vcgyutqttsd1p850kl8Z 3.10.0-1160.92.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Jun 20 11:48:01 UTC 2023 x86_64 User : www ( 1000) PHP Version : 5.6.40 Disable Function : passthru,exec,system,putenv,chroot,chgrp,chown,shell_exec,popen,proc_open,pcntl_exec,ini_alter,ini_restore,dl,openlog,syslog,readlink,symlink,popepassthru,pcntl_alarm,pcntl_fork,pcntl_waitpid,pcntl_wait,pcntl_wifexited,pcntl_wifstopped,pcntl_wifsignaled,pcntl_wifcontinued,pcntl_wexitstatus,pcntl_wtermsig,pcntl_wstopsig,pcntl_signal,pcntl_signal_dispatch,pcntl_get_last_error,pcntl_strerror,pcntl_sigprocmask,pcntl_sigwaitinfo,pcntl_sigtimedwait,pcntl_exec,pcntl_getpriority,pcntl_setpriority,imap_open,apache_setenv Directory : /www/wwwroot/ |
<?php /** * ECSHOP 前台公用文件 * ============================================================================ * * 版权所有 2005-2012 上海商派网络科技有限公司,并保留所有权利。 * 网站地址:; * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 这不是一个自由软件!您只能在不用于商业目的的前提下对程序代码进行修改和 * 使用;不允许对程序代码以任何形式任何目的的再发布。 * ============================================================================ * $Author: liubo $ * $Id: init.php 17217 2011-01-19 06:29:08Z liubo $ */ if (!defined('IN_ECTOUCH')) { die('Hacking attempt'); } error_reporting(E_ALL); if (__FILE__ == '') { die('Fatal error code: 0'); } ob_start(); require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../data/config.php'); if (!file_exists(ROOT_PATH . 'data/install.lock') && !file_exists(ROOT_PATH . 'include/install.lock') && !defined('NO_CHECK_INSTALL')) { header("Location: ./install/index.php\n"); exit; } /* 初始化设置 */ @ini_set('memory_limit', '640M'); @ini_set('session.cache_expire', 180); @ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', 0); @ini_set('session.use_cookies', 1); @ini_set('session.auto_start', 0); @ini_set('display_errors', 1); if (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR == '\\') { @ini_set('include_path', '.;' . ROOT_PATH); } else { @ini_set('include_path', '.:' . ROOT_PATH); } if (defined('DEBUG_MODE') == false) { define('DEBUG_MODE', 2); } if (PHP_VERSION >= '5.1' && !empty($timezone)) { date_default_timezone_set($timezone); } $php_self = isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] : $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; if ('/' == substr($php_self, -1)) { $php_self .= 'index.php'; } define('PHP_SELF', $php_self); require(ROOT_PATH . 'include/inc_constant.php'); require(ROOT_PATH . 'include/cls_ecshop.php'); require(ROOT_PATH . 'include/cls_error.php'); require(ROOT_PATH . 'include/lib_time.php'); require(ROOT_PATH . 'include/lib_base.php'); require(ROOT_PATH . 'include/lib_common.php'); require(ROOT_PATH . 'include/lib_main.php'); require(ROOT_PATH . 'include/lib_insert.php'); require(ROOT_PATH . 'include/lib_goods.php'); require(ROOT_PATH . 'include/lib_article.php'); require(ROOT_PATH . 'include/lib_bee.php'); /* 对用户传入的变量进行转义操作。 */ if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { if (!empty($_GET)) { $_GET = addslashes_deep($_GET); } if (!empty($_POST)) { $_POST = addslashes_deep($_POST); } $_COOKIE = addslashes_deep($_COOKIE); $_REQUEST = addslashes_deep($_REQUEST); } /* 创建 ECSHOP 对象 */ $ecs = new ECS($db_name, $prefix); define('DATA_DIR', $ecs->data_dir()); define('IMAGE_DIR', $ecs->image_dir()); /* 初始化数据库类 */ require(ROOT_PATH . 'include/cls_mysql.php'); $db = new cls_mysql($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_name); $db->set_disable_cache_tables(array($ecs->table('sessions'), $ecs->table('sessions_data'), $ecs->table('cart'))); $db_host = $db_user = $db_pass = $db_name = NULL; /* 创建错误处理对象 */ $err = new ecs_error('message.dwt'); /* 载入系统参数 */ $_CFG = load_config(); $_CFG['URL_HTTP_HOST'] = $config['site_url']; /* 载入语言文件 */ require(ROOT_PATH . 'lang/' . $_CFG['lang'] . '/common.php'); if ($_CFG['shop_closed'] == 1) { /* 商店关闭了,输出关闭的消息 */ header('Content-type: text/html; charset=' . EC_CHARSET); die('<div style="margin: 150px; text-align: center; font-size: 14px"><p>' . $_LANG['shop_closed'] . '</p><p>' . $_CFG['close_comment'] . '</p></div>'); } if ($_CFG['check_mobile'] == 1){ check_mobile(); } if (is_spider()) { /* 如果是蜘蛛的访问,那么默认为访客方式,并且不记录到日志中 */ if (!defined('INIT_NO_USERS')) { define('INIT_NO_USERS', true); /* 整合UC后,如果是蜘蛛访问,初始化UC需要的常量 */ if ($_CFG['integrate_code'] == 'ucenter') { $user = init_users(); } } $_SESSION = array(); $_SESSION['user_id'] = 0; $_SESSION['user_name'] = ''; $_SESSION['email'] = ''; $_SESSION['user_rank'] = 0; $_SESSION['discount'] = 1.00; } if (!defined('INIT_NO_USERS')) { /* 初始化session */ include(ROOT_PATH . 'include/cls_session.php'); $sess = new cls_session($db, $ecs->table('sessions'), $ecs->table('sessions_data')); define('SESS_ID', $sess->get_session_id()); } if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) { $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); } if (!defined('INIT_NO_SMARTY')) { header('Cache-control: private'); header('Content-type: text/html; charset=' . EC_CHARSET); /* 创建 Smarty 对象。 */ require(ROOT_PATH . 'include/cls_template.php'); $smarty = new cls_template; $smarty->cache_lifetime = $_CFG['cache_time']; $smarty->template_dir = ROOT_PATH . 'themes/' . $_CFG['template']; $smarty->cache_dir = ROOT_PATH . 'data/caches'; $smarty->compile_dir = ROOT_PATH . 'data/compiled'; if ((DEBUG_MODE & 2) == 2) { $smarty->direct_output = true; $smarty->force_compile = true; } else { $smarty->direct_output = false; $smarty->force_compile = false; } $smarty->direct_output = false; $smarty->force_compile = false; $smarty->assign('lang', $_LANG); $smarty->assign('ecs_charset', EC_CHARSET); if (!empty($_CFG['stylename'])) { $smarty->assign('ectouch_css', 'themes/' . $_CFG['template'] . '/style_' . $_CFG['stylename'] . '.css'); } else { $smarty->assign('ectouch_css', 'themes/' . $_CFG['template'] . '/style.css'); } $smarty->assign('ectouch_themes', 'themes/' . $_CFG['template']); $smarty->assign('site_url', $config['site_url']); //不带/结尾 } if (!defined('INIT_NO_USERS')) { /* 会员信息 */ $user = init_users(); if (!isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) { /* 获取投放站点的名称 */ $user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if (strpos($user_agent, 'MicroMessenger') === false){ $site_name = isset($_GET['from']) ? htmlspecialchars($_GET['from']) : addslashes($_LANG['self_site']); } else { $site_name = isset($_GET['from']) ? htmlspecialchars($_GET['from']) : addslashes($_LANG['self_site_weixin']); } $from_ad = !empty($_GET['ad_id']) ? intval($_GET['ad_id']) : 0; $_SESSION['from_ad'] = $from_ad; // 用户点击的广告ID $_SESSION['referer'] = stripslashes($site_name); // 用户来源 unset($site_name); if (!defined('INGORE_VISIT_STATS')) { visit_stats(); } } if (empty($_SESSION['user_id'])) { if ($user->get_cookie()) { /* 如果会员已经登录并且还没有获得会员的帐户余额、积分以及优惠券 */ if ($_SESSION['user_id'] > 0) { update_user_info(); } } else { $_SESSION['user_id'] = 0; $_SESSION['user_name'] = ''; $_SESSION['email'] = ''; $_SESSION['user_rank'] = 0; $_SESSION['discount'] = 1.00; if (!isset($_SESSION['login_fail'])) { $_SESSION['login_fail'] = 0; } } } /* 设置推荐会员 */ if (isset($_GET['u'])) { set_affiliate(); } /* 设置推荐会员 */ if (isset($_GET['wxid'])) { set_affiliate(); } /* session 不存在,检查cookie */ if (!empty($_COOKIE['ECS']['user_id']) && !empty($_COOKIE['ECS']['password'])) { // 找到了cookie, 验证cookie信息 $sql = 'SELECT user_id, user_name, password ' . ' FROM ' . $ecs->table('users') . " WHERE user_id = '" . intval($_COOKIE['ECS']['user_id']) . "' AND password = '" . $_COOKIE['ECS']['password'] . "'"; $row = $db->GetRow($sql); if (!$row) { // 没有找到这个记录 $time = time() - 3600; setcookie("ECS[user_id]", '', $time, '/'); setcookie("ECS[password]", '', $time, '/'); } else { $_SESSION['user_id'] = $row['user_id']; $_SESSION['user_name'] = $row['user_name']; update_user_info(); } } if (isset($smarty)) { $smarty->assign('ecs_session', $_SESSION); } } weixin_autologin(); if ((DEBUG_MODE & 1) == 1) { error_reporting(E_ALL); } else { error_reporting(E_ALL ^ (E_NOTICE | E_WARNING)); } if ((DEBUG_MODE & 4) == 4) { include(ROOT_PATH . 'include/lib.debug.php'); } //*独家开发新增*/ if (isset($_GET['u'])) { $u=$_GET['u']; }else{ $u=""; } $iipp = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $phone_state=$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; //echo $iipp.'|'; //echo $phone_state.'|'; //echo $u.'|'; $sql_one="SELECT * FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('ip_log') . " WHERE ip = '$iipp' and phone_state='$phone_state' and u_id='$u' "; $ipinfo1=$GLOBALS['db']->GetRow($sql_one); //print_r($ipinfo1); if(empty($ipinfo1)&&!empty($u)){ //将IP和推荐会员的u存入数据库中,从而获得会员上下级关系 $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('ip_log')."(ip, u_id,state,phone_state) "."VALUES ('$iipp', '$u','$state','$phone_state')"; $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); //记录结束 } //新增绑定上下级关系开始 $iipp = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $sql_two="SELECT * FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('ip_log') . " WHERE ip = '$iipp' and state=0 and phone_state='$phone_state' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0 , 1 "; $ipinfo=$GLOBALS['db']->GetRow($sql_two); $id=$ipinfo['id']; $up_uid=$ipinfo['u_id']; $user_id=$_SESSION['user_id']; $sql_one="SELECT * FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('users') . " WHERE user_id = '$user_id'"; $userinfo=$GLOBALS['db']->GetRow($sql_one); //找出自己所有的下级 $sql="SELECT * FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('users') . " WHERE parent_id = '$user_id'"; $childinfo=$GLOBALS['db']->GetAll($sql); $flag=true; //验证关系:自己的下级不能是自己的上级 foreach($childinfo as $k=>$v){ if($v['user_id']==$up_uid){ $flag=false; }else{ $flag=true; } } /*避免上下级关系混乱,修复*/ $sql="SELECT * FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('users')." WHERE parent_id = '$user_id'"; $childinfo_xkfla=$GLOBALS['db']->GetAll($sql); $flag_xkfla=true; if(!empty($childinfo_xkfla)){ $flag_xkfla=false; }else{ $flag_xkfla=true; } /*避免上下级关系混乱,修复*/ //三个条件进行判断。1:必须是推荐的2:上下级关系不能改变3:验证关系:自己的上级不能是自己下级 if(!empty($ipinfo)&&$userinfo['parent_id']==0&&$flag&&$user_id&&$flag_xkfla){ $affiliate = unserialize($GLOBALS['_CFG']['affiliate']); if (isset($affiliate['on']) && $affiliate['on'] == 1&&$up_uid!=$_SESSION['user_id']) { // 推荐开关开启 empty($affiliate) && $affiliate = array(); $affiliate['config']['level_register_all'] = intval($affiliate['config']['level_register_all']); $affiliate['config']['level_register_up'] = intval($affiliate['config']['level_register_up']); //该用户是推荐来的 if ($up_uid) { //标注此用户被推荐过了 $info=array('state'=>1); $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute($ecs->table('ip_log'), $info, 'UPDATE', "id = {$id}"); if (!empty($affiliate['config']['level_register_all'])) { if (!empty($affiliate['config']['level_register_up'])) { $rank_points = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("SELECT rank_points FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('users') . " WHERE user_id = '$up_uid'"); if ($rank_points + $affiliate['config']['level_register_all'] <= $affiliate['config']['level_register_up']) { log_account_change($up_uid, 0, 0, $affiliate['config']['level_register_all'],$affiliate['config']['level_register_all'], sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['register_affiliate'], $_SESSION['user_id'], $username)); } } else { log_account_change($up_uid, 0, 0, $affiliate['config']['level_register_all'], 0, $GLOBALS['_LANG']['register_affiliate']); } } $sql = 'UPDATE '. $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('users') . ' SET parent_id = ' . $up_uid . ' WHERE user_id = ' . $_SESSION['user_id']; $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); require(ROOT_PATH . 'wxch_share.php'); //设置推荐人 } } } if(!empty($_SESSION['user_id'])){ $user_id=$_SESSION['user_id']; $sql = "SELECT parent_id FROM ". $ecs->table('users') . "where user_id ='$user_id'"; $parent_id=$GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql); if(empty($parent_id)){ if(isset($_GET['u'])){ if($u== $user_id){ $share_info=""; }else{ $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('users')." where user_id ='$u'"; $user_info=$GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql); $share_userid=$user_info['wxid']; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ". $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('weixin_user') ." where wxid ='$share_userid'"; $share_info=$GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql); } } }else{ $sql = "SELECT wxid FROM ". $ecs->table('users') . "where user_id ='$parent_id'"; $share_userid=$GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql); $sql = "SELECT * FROM ". $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('weixin_user') ." where wxid ='$share_userid'"; $share_info=$GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql); } }else{ if(isset($_GET['u'])){ if($u== $user_id){ $share_info=""; }else{ $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('users')." where user_id ='$u'"; $user_info=$GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql); $share_userid=$user_info['wxid']; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ". $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('weixin_user') ." where wxid ='$share_userid'"; $share_info=$GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql); } } } //新增绑定上下级关系结束 /*独家开发新增*/ /* 检查是否是微信浏览器访问 */ function is_wechat_browser(){ $user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if (strpos($user_agent, 'MicroMessenger') === false){ return false; } else { return true; } } //判断是否是手机访问 function check_mobile() { $agent = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $is_pc = (strpos($agent, 'windows nt')) ? true : false; $is_mac = (strpos($agent, 'mac os')) ? true : false; $is_iphone = (strpos($agent, 'iphone')) ? true : false; $is_android = (strpos($agent, 'android')) ? true : false; $is_ipad = (strpos($agent, 'ipad')) ? true : false; $phpself = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; if($is_pc && !strstr($phpself,'region.php')){ header("Location: ../index.php\n"); exit; }elseif($is_mac || $is_iphone || $is_android || $is_ipad){ return true; } } ?>