Server : Apache System : Linux iZ2vcgyutqttsd1p850kl8Z 3.10.0-1160.92.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Jun 20 11:48:01 UTC 2023 x86_64 User : www ( 1000) PHP Version : 5.6.40 Disable Function : passthru,exec,system,putenv,chroot,chgrp,chown,shell_exec,popen,proc_open,pcntl_exec,ini_alter,ini_restore,dl,openlog,syslog,readlink,symlink,popepassthru,pcntl_alarm,pcntl_fork,pcntl_waitpid,pcntl_wait,pcntl_wifexited,pcntl_wifstopped,pcntl_wifsignaled,pcntl_wifcontinued,pcntl_wexitstatus,pcntl_wtermsig,pcntl_wstopsig,pcntl_signal,pcntl_signal_dispatch,pcntl_get_last_error,pcntl_strerror,pcntl_sigprocmask,pcntl_sigwaitinfo,pcntl_sigtimedwait,pcntl_exec,pcntl_getpriority,pcntl_setpriority,imap_open,apache_setenv Directory : /www/wwwroot/ |
/* jQuery Switchable v2.0 | | MIT Licensed */ (function(a) { function b(e, o, c) { var d = this, f = a(this), g = "beforeSwitch", h = "onSwitch"; a.isFunction(o[g]) && f.bind(g, o[g]), a.isFunction(o[h]) && f.bind(h, o[h]), a.extend(d, { _initPlugins: function() { var k = a.switchable.Plugins, i = k.length, j = 0; for (; j < i; j++) { k[j].init && k[j].init(d); } }, _init: function() { d.container = e, d.config = o, !o.panels || !o.panels.jquery && a.type(o.panels) !== "string" ? d.panels = e.children() : d.panels = e.find(o.panels), d.length = Math.ceil(d.panels.length / o.steps); if (d.length < 1) { window.console && console.warn("No panel in " + c); return; } d.index = o.initIndex === null ? undefined : o.initIndex + (o.initIndex < 0 ? d.length : 0), o.effect === "none" && d.panels.slice(d.index * o.steps, (d.index + 1) * o.steps).show(); if (!!o.triggers) { var k, l, j, i = []; for (l = 1; l <= d.length; l++) { i.push('<a href="javascript:;">' + l + "</a>"); } if (o.triggers.jquery) { if (o.triggers.length > 1) { d.triggers = o.triggers.slice(0, d.length); } else { o.triggers.html('<div class="' + o.triggersWrapCls + '">' + i.join("") + "</div>"); d.triggers = o.triggers.find("a"); } } else { d.triggers = a("<div />", { "class": o.triggersWrapCls, html: i.join("") })[o.putTriggers](e).find("a"); } d.triggers.eq(d.index).addClass(o.currentTriggerCls); for (l = 0; l < d.length; l++) { k = d.triggers.eq(l),{ index: l }, function(m) { j =; if (!d._triggerIsValid(j)) { return; } d._cancelDelayTimer(), d.switchTo(j); }), o.triggerType === "mouse" && k.mouseenter({ index: l }, function(m) { j =; if (!d._triggerIsValid(j)) { return; } d._delayTimer = setTimeout(function() { d.switchTo(j); }, o.delay * 1000); }).mouseleave(function() { d._cancelDelayTimer(); }); } } }, _triggerIsValid: function(i) { return d.index !== i; }, _cancelDelayTimer: function() { d._delayTimer && (clearTimeout(d._delayTimer), d._delayTimer = undefined); }, _switchTrigger: function(i, j) { d.triggers.eq(i).removeClass(o.currentTriggerCls).end().eq(j).addClass(o.currentTriggerCls); }, _switchPanels: function(k, i, j) { a.switchable.Effects[o.effect].call(d, k, i, j); }, willTo: function(i) { return i ? d.index > 0 ? d.index - 1 : o.loop ? d.length - 1 : !1 : d.index < d.length - 1 ? d.index + 1 : o.loop ? 0 : !1; }, switchTo: function(k, i) { var j = a.Event(g); f.trigger(j, [k]); if (j.isDefaultPrevented()) { return; } return d._switchPanels(d.index, k, i), !o.triggers || d._switchTrigger(d.index, k), d.index = k, j.type = h, f.trigger(j, [k]), d; } }), d._init(), d._initPlugins(); } a.switchable = { Config: { triggers: !0, putTriggers: "insertAfter", triggersWrapCls: "triggers", currentTriggerCls: "current", panels: null, steps: 1, triggerType: "mouse", delay: 0.1, initIndex: 0, effect: "none", easing: "ease", duration: 0.5, loop: !0, beforeSwitch: null, onSwitch: null, api: !1 }, Effects: { none: function(i, j) { var c = this, d = c.config; c.panels.slice(i * d.steps, (i + 1) * d.steps).hide().end().slice(j * d.steps, (j + 1) * d.steps).show(); } }, Plugins: [] }, a.fn.switchable = function(e) { var f = a(this), g = f.length, h = f.selector, c = [], d; e = a.extend({}, a.switchable.Config, e), e.effect = e.effect.toLowerCase(); for (d = 0; d < g; d++) { c[d] = new b(f.eq(d), e, h + "[" + d + "]"); } return e.api ? c[0] : f; }; })(jQuery), function(a) { function b() { var k = document.documentElement, l = ["Webkit", "Moz"], c = "transition", d = "", e; if ([c] !== undefined) { d = c; } else { for (e = 0; e < 2; e++) { if ([c = l[e] + "Transition"] !== undefined) { d = c; break; } } } return d; } a.switchable.Anim = function(k, l, c, d, e, f) { var g = this, h = {}, i, j; a.switchable.Transition === undefined && (a.switchable.Transition = b()), i = a.switchable.Transition, a.extend(g, { isAnimated: !1, run: function() { if (g.isAnimated) { return; } c = c * 1000; if (i) { h[i + "Property"] = f || "all", h[i + "Duration"] = c + "ms", h[i + "TimingFunction"] = d, k.css(a.extend(l, h)), j = setTimeout(function() { g._clearCss(), g._complete(); }, c); } else { var n = /cubic-bezier\(([\s\d.,]+)\)/, m = d.match(n), o = a.switchable.TimingFn[d]; if (o || m) { d = a.switchable.Easing(m ? m[1] : o.match(n)[1]); } k.animate(l, c, d, function() { g._complete(); }); } return g.isAnimated = !0, g; }, stop: function(m) { if (!g.isAnimated) { return; } return i ? (clearTimeout(j), j = undefined) : k.stop(!1, m), g.isAnimated = !1, g; }, _complete: function() { e && e(); }, _clearCss: function() { h[i + "Property"] = "none", k.css(h); } }); }; }(jQuery), function(c) { function d(e) { return "cubic-bezier(" + e + ")"; } function a(g) { var h = [], e = 101, f; for (f = 0; f <= e; f++) { h[f] =, f / e); } return function(j) { if (j === 1) { return h[e]; } var k = e * j, p = Math.floor(k), i = h[p], l = h[p + 1]; return i + (l - i) * (k - p); }; } function b(j, k, l, m, A, B) { function D(n) { return ((C * n + bx) * n + cx) * n; } function e(n) { return ((ay * n + by) * n + cy) * n; } function f(n) { return (3 * C * n + 2 * bx) * n + cx; } function g(n) { return 1 / (200 * n); } function h(n, o) { return e(i(n, o)); } function i(u, v) { function t(w) { return w >= 0 ? w : 0 - w; } var n, o, p, q, r, s; for (p = u, s = 0; s < 8; s++) { q = D(p) - u; if (t(q) < v) { return p; } r = f(p); if (t(r) < 0.000001) { break; } p = p - q / r; } n = 0, o = 1, p = u; if (p < n) { return n; } if (p > o) { return o; } while (n < o) { q = D(p); if (t(q - u) < v) { return p; } u > q ? n = p : o = p, p = (o - n) * 0.5 + n; } return p; } var C = bx = cx = ay = by = cy = 0; return cx = 3 * k, bx = 3 * (m - k) - cx, C = 1 - cx - bx, cy = 3 * l, by = 3 * (A - l) - cy, ay = 1 - cy - by, h(j, g(B)); } c.switchable.TimingFn = { ease: d(".25, .1, .25, 1"), linear: d("0, 0, 1, 1"), "ease-in": d(".42, 0, 1, 1"), "ease-out": d("0, 0, .58, 1"), "ease-in-out": d(".42, 0, .58, 1") }, c.switchable.Easing = function(g) { var h, i, e = 0; g = g.split(","), i = g.length; for (; e < i; e++) { g[e] = parseFloat(g[e]); } if (i !== 4) { window.console && console.warn(d(g.join(", ")) + " missing argument."); } else { h = "cubic-bezier-" + g.join("-"); if (!c.easing[h]) { var f = a(function(j) { return b(j, g[0], g[1], g[2], g[3], 5); }); c.easing[h] = function(o, p, j, n) { return, o); }; } } return h; }; }(jQuery), function(a) { a.extend(a.switchable.Config, { autoplay: !1, interval: 3, pauseOnHover: !0 }), a.switchable.Plugins.push({ name: "autoplay", init: function(d) { function e() { c = d.willTo(d.isBackward); if (c === !1) { d._cancelTimers(); return; } d.switchTo(c, d.isBackward ? "backward" : "forward"); } function f() { b = setInterval(function() { e(); }, (g.interval + g.duration) * 1000); } var g = d.config, h = !1, i, b, c; if (!g.autoplay || d.length <= 1) { return; } g.pauseOnHover && d.panels.add(d.triggers).hover(function() { d._pause(); }, function() { h || d._play(); }), a.extend(d, { _play: function() { d._cancelTimers(), d.paused = !1, i = setTimeout(function() { e(), f(); }, g.interval * 1000); }, _pause: function() { d._cancelTimers(), d.paused = !0; }, _cancelTimers: function() { i && (clearTimeout(i), i = undefined), b && (clearInterval(b), b = undefined); }, play: function() { return d._play(), h = !1, d; }, pause: function() { return d._pause(), h = !0, d; } }), d._play(); } }); }(jQuery), function(a) { a.extend(a.switchable.Config, { prev: null, next: null }), a.switchable.Plugins.push({ name: "carousel", init: function(d) { var g = d.config, h = ["backward", "forward"], i = ["prev", "next"], b, c, e, f = 0; if (!g.prev && ! { return; } for (; f < 2; f++) { b = i[f], c = g[b], c && (e = d[b + "Btn"] = c.jquery ? c : a(c),{ direction: h[f] }, function(l) { l.preventDefault(); if (!d.anim) { var j =, k = d.willTo(j === h[0]); k !== !1 && d.switchTo(k, j); } })); } } }); }(jQuery), function(a) { a.switchable.Effects.fade = function(d, h) { var b = this, c = b.config, e = b.panels, f = e.eq(d), g = e.eq(h); b.anim && (b.anim.stop(), e.eq({ zIndex: b.length }).end().eq(b.anim.from).css({ opacity: 0, zIndex: 1 })), g.css({ opacity: 1 }), b.anim = (new a.switchable.Anim(f, { opacity: 0 }, c.duration, c.easing, function() { g.css({ zIndex: b.length }), f.css({ zIndex: 1 }), b.anim = undefined; }, "opacity")).run(), b.anim.from = d, = h; }, a.switchable.Plugins.push({ name: "fade effect", init: function(c) { var g = c.config, b = c.panels.eq(c.index); if (g.effect !== "fade" || g.steps !== 1) { return; } c.panels.not(b).css({ opacity: 0, zIndex: 1 }), b.css({ opacity: 1, zIndex: c.length }); } }); }(jQuery), function(e) { var f = ["scrollleft", "scrollright", "scrollup", "scrolldown"], a = "position", b = "absolute", c = "relative"; e.extend(e.switchable.Config, { end2end: !1, groupSize: [], visible: null, clonedCls: "switchable-cloned" }); for (var d = 0; d < 4; d++) { e.switchable.Effects[f[d]] = function(v, w, g) { var h = this, i = h.config, j = h.length - 1, k = g === "backward", l = i.end2end && (k && v === 0 && w === j || g === "forward" && v === j && w === 0), u = {}; u[h.isHoriz ? "left" : "top"] = l ? h._adjustPosition(k) : -h.groupSize[h.isHoriz ? 0 : 1] * w, h.anim && h.anim.stop(), h.anim = (new e.switchable.Anim(h.panels.parent(), u, i.duration, i.easing, function() { l && h._resetPosition(k), h.anim = undefined; })).run(); }; } e.switchable.Plugins.push({ name: "scroll effect", init: function(g) { var h = g.config, j = h.steps, l = g.panels, m = l.parent(), n = e.inArray(h.effect, f), o = n === 0 || n === 1, p = l.eq(0).outerWidth(!0), q = l.eq(0).outerHeight(!0), r = o ? 0 : 1, s = g.length - 1, t = o ? "left" : "top", i = {}; if (n === -1) { return; } g.groupSize = [h.groupSize[0] || p * j, h.groupSize[1] || q * j]; if (h.end2end) { var k = l.length, u = !o && h.groupSize[0] ? g.groupSize[r] * g.length : (o ? p : q) * k, v = k - s * j, w = (o ? p : q) * v, x = !o && h.groupSize[0] ? g.groupSize[r] : w, M; h.loop = !0, h.visible && h.visible < k && h.visible > v && l.slice(0, h.visible).clone(!0).addClass(h.clonedCls).appendTo(m).click(function(y) { y.preventDefault(), l.eq(e(this).index() - k).click(); }), e.extend(g, { _adjustPosition: function(y) { return M = y ? s : 0, i[a] = c, i[t] = (y ? -1 : 1) * u, l.slice(M * j, (M + 1) * j).css(i), y ? x : -u; }, _resetPosition: function(y) { M = y ? s : 0, i[a] = "", i[t] = "", l.slice(M * j, (M + 1) * j).css(i), i[a] = undefined, i[t] = y ? -g.groupSize[r] * s : 0, m.css(i); } }); } g.container.css(a) == "static" && g.container.css(a, c), i[a] = b, i[t] = -g.groupSize[r] * g.index, m.css(i).css("width", o ? 2 * g.groupSize[r] * g.length : h.groupSize[0] ? h.groupSize[0] : undefined), g.isHoriz = o, g.isBackward = n === 1 || n === 3; } }); }(jQuery), function(c) { var d = ["accordion", "horizaccordion"], a = [ ["height", "marginTop", "marginBottom", "paddingTop", "paddingBottom", "borderTopWidth", "borderBottomWidth"], ["width", "marginLeft", "marginRight", "paddingLeft", "paddingRight", "borderLeftWidth", "borderRightWidth"] ]; c.extend(c.switchable.Config, { multiple: !1, customProps: {} }); for (var b = 0; b < 2; b++) { c.switchable.Effects[d[b]] = function(f, e) { var g = this, h = g.config, m = f !== e; g.anim && g.anim.stop(m), g.anim = (new c.switchable.Anim(g.panels.eq(e), g.triggers.eq(e).hasClass(h.currentTriggerCls) ? g.collapseProps : g.expandProps[e], h.duration, h.easing, function() { g.anim = undefined; })).run(), !h.multiple && f !== undefined && m && (g.anim2 && g.anim2.stop(m), g.anim2 = (new c.switchable.Anim(g.panels.eq(f), g.collapseProps, h.duration, h.easing, function() { g.anim2 = undefined; })).run()); }; } c.switchable.Plugins.push({ name: "accordion effect", init: function(e) { var f = e.config, g = c.inArray(f.effect, d); if (g === -1 || f.steps !== 1) { return; } window.console &&"Remember to set the border-width for the accordion's panels, even without border."), c.extend(e, { _triggerIsValid: function(m) { return !0; }, _switchTrigger: function(o, p) { var m = e.triggers, n = f.currentTriggerCls; m.eq(p).toggleClass(n), !f.multiple && o !== undefined && o !== p && m.eq(o).removeClass(n); } }), e.expandProps = [], e.collapseProps = {}; var h = a[g].length, i = {}, j, k, l; for (l = 0; l < h; l++) { e.collapseProps[a[g][l]] = 0; } c.extend(e.collapseProps, f.customProps); for (l = 0; l < e.length; l++) { j = e.panels.eq(l); for (var s = 0; s < h; s++) { k = a[g][s], i[k] = j.css(k); } e.expandProps.push(c.extend({}, i)), j.css(c.extend({ overflow: "hidden" }, l === e.index ? i : e.collapseProps)); } } }); }(jQuery);; jQuery.extend(jQuery.easing, { def: "easeOutQuad", swing: function(e, f, a, h, g) { return jQuery.easing[jQuery.easing.def](e, f, a, h, g); }, easeInQuad: function(e, f, a, h, g) { return h * (f /= g) * f + a; }, easeOutQuad: function(e, f, a, h, g) { return -h * (f /= g) * (f - 2) + a; }, easeInExpo: function(e, f, a, h, g) { return (f == 0) ? a : h * Math.pow(2, 10 * (f / g - 1)) + a; }, easeOutExpo: function(e, f, a, h, g) { return (f == g) ? a + h : h * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * f / g) + 1) + a; }, easeInBack: function(e, f, a, i, h, g) { if (g == undefined) { g = 1.70158; } return i * (f /= h) * f * ((g + 1) * f - g) + a; }, easeOutBack: function(e, f, a, i, h, g) { if (g == undefined) { g = 1.70158; } return i * ((f = f / h - 1) * f * ((g + 1) * f + g) + 1) + a; }, easeInOutBack: function(e, f, a, i, h, g) { if (g == undefined) { g = 1.70158; } if ((f /= h / 2) < 1) { return i / 2 * (f * f * (((g *= (1.525)) + 1) * f - g)) + a; } return i / 2 * ((f -= 2) * f * (((g *= (1.525)) + 1) * f + g) + 2) + a; }, easeOutBounce: function(j, i, b, c, d) { if ((i /= d) < (1 / 2.75)) { return c * (7.5625 * i * i) + b; } else { if (i < (2 / 2.75)) { return c * (7.5625 * (i -= (1.5 / 2.75)) * i + 0.75) + b; } else { if (i < (2.5 / 2.75)) { return c * (7.5625 * (i -= (2.25 / 2.75)) * i + 0.9375) + b; } else { return c * (7.5625 * (i -= (2.625 / 2.75)) * i + 0.984375) + b; } } } } }); (function(a) { a.fn.menuAim = function(c) { this.each(function() {, c); }); return this; }; function b(c) { var d = a(this), q = null, g = [], r = null, p = null, s = a.extend({ rowSelector: "> li", submenuSelector: "*", submenuDirection: "right", tolerance: 75, enter: a.noop, exit: a.noop, activate: a.noop, deactivate: a.noop, exitMenu: a.noop }, c); var j = 3, f = 300; var e = function(t) { g.push({ x: t.pageX, y: t.pageY }); if (g.length > j) { g.shift(); } }; var o = function() { if (p) { clearTimeout(p); } if (s.exitMenu(this)) { if (q) { s.deactivate(q); } q = null; } }; var l = function() { if (p) { clearTimeout(p); } s.enter(this); h(this); }, k = function() { s.exit(this); }; var m = function() { i(this); }; var i = function(t) { if (t.className.toLowerCase() == "current") { return; } if (q) { s.deactivate(q); } s.activate(t); q = t; }; var h = function(u) { var t = n(); if (t) { p = setTimeout(function() { h(u); }, t); } else { i(u); } }; var n = function() { if (!q || !a(q).is(s.submenuSelector)) { return 0; } var x = d.offset(), t = { x: x.left, y: - s.tolerance }, E = { x: x.left + d.outerWidth(), y: t.y }, G = { x: x.left, y: + d.outerHeight() + s.tolerance }, y = { x: x.left + d.outerWidth(), y: G.y }, z = g[g.length - 1], D = g[0]; if (!z) { return 0; } if (!D) { D = z; } if (D.x < x.left || D.x > y.x || D.y < || D.y > y.y) { return 0; } if (r && z.x == r.x && z.y == r.y) { return 0; } function A(I, H) { return (H.y - I.y) / (H.x - I.x); } var C = E, u = y; if (s.submenuDirection == "left") { C = G; u = t; } else { if (s.submenuDirection == "below") { C = y; u = G; } else { if (s.submenuDirection == "above") { C = t; u = E; } } } var v = A(z, C), B = A(z, u), F = A(D, C), w = A(D, u); if (v < F && B > w) { r = z; return f; } r = null; return 0; }; d.mouseleave(o).find(s.rowSelector).mouseenter(l).mouseleave(k).click(m); a(document).mousemove(e); } })(jQuery); var $window = $(window); var NALA = NALA || {}; (function(a) { NALA.check = { stopStr: /找小妹|找小姐|找学生|整形|学生妹|人流|不孕不育|[发發髮]\s*票|[发發髮]\S+票/g, isPhone: function() { var b = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), c = /iPhone|iPad|Android|ucweb|windows\s+mobile|Windows\s+Phone/i; return c.test(b); }, isIE6: window.VBArray && !window.XMLHttpRequest, isNick: function(c) { var b = /^[\u4e00-\u9fa5A-Za-z0-9-_]+$/; return b.test(c); }, isEmail: function(c) { var b = /^[a-z0-9][\w\.]*@([a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]*\.)+[a-z]{2,5}$/i; return b.test(c); }, isMobile: function(c) { var b = /^1[345678][0-9]{9}$/; return b.test(c); }, isTelephone: function(c) { var b = /^0\d{2,3}-\d{5,9}$/; return b.test(c); }, isUrl: function(c) { var b = /^http:\/\/([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]+(\/[\w-.\/?%&=]*)?$/; return b.test(c); }, isNum: function(c) { var b = /^[0-9]\d*$/; return b.test(c); } }; if (NALA.check.isPhone()) { a("html").addClass("isPhone"); NALA.isPhone = true; } else { if ($window.width() < 1400) { a("html").addClass("is1280"); 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j = setTimeout(function() { var l = a.trim(f.val()); if (b[l] != undefined) { d(l); } else { h(l); } }, 300); } }).blur(function() { if (a.trim(f.val()) == "") { f.val("请输入商品或品牌"); } }).on("keydown", function(n) { var k = $result.find("li"), l = k.length, m = ""; if (l > 0) { switch (n.keyCode) { case 40: e++; if (e > l - 1) { e = 0; } k.removeClass("on").eq(e).addClass("on"); f.val(k.eq(e).text()); break; case 38: e--; if (e < 0) { e = l - 1; } k.removeClass("on").eq(e).addClass("on"); f.val(k.eq(e).text()); break; } } }); function h(k) { a.ajax({ url:, type: "post", data: { q: k }, success: function(l) { b[k] = l; d(k); } }); } function d(l) { var k = "<ul>", m = b[l].split(","); if (m[0] !== "") { a.each(m, function(o, n) { k += "<li>" + n + "</li>"; }); $result.html(k).css({ left: _offset.left, top:, display: "block" }); e = -1; } else { $result.hide(); } } function c() { a(document).on("click", function(k) { if ( != "textfield") { $result.hide(); } }); $result.on("mouseenter", "li", function() { var k = a(this); 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f.on("mouseenter", "li.more-menu", function() { var i = a(this); h = setTimeout(function() { i.addClass("hover"); h = null; }, 300); }).on("mouseleave", "li.more-menu", function() { var i = a(this); if (h !== null) { clearTimeout(h); } else { h = setTimeout(function() { i.removeClass("hover"); }, 300); } }); } function d() { var h = "", j = "丽子美妆 - 专注化妆品售卖100年!"; try { window.external.addFavorite(h, j); } catch (i) { try { window.sidebar.addPanel(j, h, ""); } catch (i) { alert("对不起,您的浏览器不支持此操作!\n请您使用菜单栏或Ctrl+D收藏本站。"); } } } }, toolBar: function() { var e = this, c = null, g = null, b = null, f = null, d = HTML = wideHTML = ""; if (NALA.isPhone) { return; } HTML = '<div class="tb_box" id="J_toolbar"><ul class="tb_bd"><li><a href="" class="kefu" target="_blank"><p><img src="" /><span>在线客服</span></p></a></li><li><a href="javascript:;" class="back2top"><p><img src="" /><span>返回顶部</span></p></a></li></ul></div>'; c = a(HTML).appendTo("body"); c.on("click", "a.back2top", function() { a("body,html").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 500); return false; }); }, head_cart_event: function() { var g = this, e = a("#head_cart"), b = e.find(".list"), f = null; e.on("mouseenter", function() { if (f !== null) { clearTimeout(f); } f = setTimeout(function() { e.addClass("hd_cart_hover"); if ("loaded") !== "yes") { d(); } }, 200); }).on("mouseleave", function() { if (f !== null) { clearTimeout(f); } f = setTimeout(function() { e.removeClass("hd_cart_hover"); }, 200); }); b.on("click", "a.del", function() { c(this); }); function d() { a.ajax({ url: g.ajaxUrl.cartData, cache: false, dataType: "json", success: function(j) { var i = data_class = ""; if (j.status == 1) {"loaded", "yes"); a.each(, function(l, k) { var m = 0; if (k.isTaoCan) { m = 1; } i += '<dl><dt><a target="_blank" href="/product-' + + '.html"><img src="' + k.pic + '"></a></dt><dd><h4><a target="_blank" href="/product-' + + '.html">' + + '</a></h4><p><span class="red">¥' + k.price + "</span> <i>X</i> " + k.num + '</p><a class="iconfont del" title="删除" href="javascript:;" data-lid="' + k.l_id + '" data-taocan="' + m + '">Ť</a></dd></dl>'; if (l > 5) { data_class = " data_over"; } }); i = '<div class="data' + data_class + '">' + i + '</div><div class="count">共<span class="red" id="hd_cart_count">' + j.count + '</span>件商品,满99元就包邮哦~<p>总价:<span class="red">¥<em id="hd_cart_total">' + + '</em></span><a href="/cart/mycart" class="btn">去结算</a></p></div>'; b.html(i); a("#hd_cartnum").html(j.count); } else { if (j.status == 0) { h(); } else { b.html('<p class="fail"><i class="iconfont">ų</i><br>购物车数据加载失败<br>请稍后再试</p>'); } } }, error: function(i) { b.html('<p class="fail"><i class="iconfont">ų</i><br>购物车数据加载失败<br>请稍后再试 (' + i.status + ")</p>"); } }); } function c(i) { var k = a(i), j ="lid"); a.ajax({ url: "/cart/deleteBar", type: "post", dataType: "json", data: { idList: j }, success: function(l) { var m = l.totalCount; a("#hd_cartnum").html(m); if (m < 1) { h(); return; } if ("taocan") == 1) { d(); } else { k.parents("dl").remove(); a("#hd_cart_count").html(l.totalCount); a("#hd_cart_total").html(l.totalPrice); if (m < 7) { b.find(".data").removeClass("data_over").css("zoom", "1"); } } }, error: function(l) { NALA.dialog.warn("删除失败,请稍后再试 (" + l.status + ")"); } }); } function h() { a("#hd_cartnum").css("visibility", "hidden"); b.html('<p class="fail"><i class="iconfont">ŭ</i><br>购物车空啦<br>爱Ta,就带Ta来购物车吧</p>'); } }, mainNav_animate: function() { var h = this, b = a("#J_mainCata"), e = a("#J_subCata"), i = a("#main_nav"), l = null, k = null, d = false, g = false, f = false; if (a("#mall-slide").length > 0) { f = true; } b.find("ul").menuAim({ activate: j, exitMenu: function() { if (k !== null) { clearTimeout(k); } } }); i.on("mouseenter", function() { var m = a(this); if (l !== null) { clearTimeout(l); } if (f) { return; } l = setTimeout(function() { m.addClass("main_nav_hover"); b.stop().show().animate({ opacity: 1, height: 398 }, 300); }, 200); }).on("mouseleave", function() { if (l !== null) { clearTimeout(l); } l = setTimeout(function() { e.css({ opacity: 0, left: "100px" }).find(".J_subView").hide(); g = false; if (!f) { b.stop().delay(200).animate({ opacity: 0, height: 0 }, 300, function() { i.removeClass("main_nav_hover"); 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"; path=" + n.path : "; path=/"; var h = n.domain ? "; domain=" + n.domain : ""; var b = ? "; secure" : ""; document.cookie = [c, "=", encodeURIComponent(k), f, m, h, b].join(""); } else { var e = null; if (document.cookie && document.cookie != "") { var l = document.cookie.split(";"); for (var j = 0; j < l.length; j++) { var d = jQuery.trim(l[j]); if (d.substring(0, c.length + 1) == (c + "=")) { e = decodeURIComponent(d.substring(c.length + 1)); break; } } } return e; } }, timeJson: function(c) { var b = {}; b.secs = Math.floor(c % 60); b.mins = Math.floor(c / 60 % 60); b.hours = Math.floor(c / 60 / 60); b.days = 0; if (b.hours > 23) { b.days = Math.floor(b.hours / 24); b.hours = b.hours - b.days * 24; } if (b.secs < 10) { b.secs = "0" + b.secs; } if (b.mins < 10) { b.mins = "0" + b.mins; } if (b.hours < 10) { b.hours = "0" + b.hours; } if (b.days < 10) { b.days = "0" + b.days; } return b; } }; NALA.dialog = { close: function(d) { var b, c = a.dialog.list; if (d) { c[d].close(); } else { for (b in c) { c[b].close(); } } }, creat: function(b) { var c = null; b = a.extend({ fixed: true, title: false, lock: true, padding: "20px 40px", id: "", content: "" }, b); c = a.dialog(b); return c; }, success: function(c, d) { var b = null; d = d || 2; this.close(); c = '<div class="success-tip"><i class="iconfont">Ż</i>' + c + "</div>"; b = this.creat({ id: "success", content: c, lock: false }); setTimeout(function() { var e = a(b.DOM.wrap); e.animate({ top: "-=50px", opacity: 0 }, 300, "easeInBack", function() { b.close(); }); }, d * 1000); }, warn: function(c, d) { var b = null; c = '<div class="warn-tip"><i class="iconfont">ã</i>' + c + "</div>"; b = this.creat({ id: "warn", content: c }); b.button({ name: "知道了", focus: true, callback: d }); }, ok: function(c, d) { var b = null; c = '<div class="ok-tip"><i class="iconfont">Ż</i>' + c + "</div>"; b = this.creat({ id: "ok", content: c }); b.button({ name: "知道了", focus: true, callback: d }); }, confirm: function(c, d) { var b = null; c = '<div class="confirm-tip"><i class="iconfont">ä</i>' + c + "</div>"; b = this.creat({ id: "confirm", content: c }); b.button({ name: "确定", focus: true, callback: d }, { name: "取消" }); }, showLogin: function(e) { var b = null, e = e || location.href, c = '<div class="dialog_login_box"><div id="login-box"><h2><div class="trig">没有帐号?<a href="/user/reg" target="_blank" class="trigger-box">点击注册</a></div>登录</h2><div class="form-bd"><div class="form_box cle" id="login-nala"><div class="login_box"><form id="login-nala-form"><ul class="form"><li class="text_input"><span class="error_icon"></span><span class="iconfont">Œ</span><input type="text" name="j_username" class="text" placeholder="用户名/邮箱/手机号"></li><li class="text_input"><span class="error_icon"></span><span class="iconfont">÷</span><input type="password" name="j_password" class="text" placeholder="密码"></li><li class="error_box"><em></em></li><li class="login_param"><p><a class="forget_psd" target="_blank" href="/user/resetPwd">忘记密码?</a><label><input type="checkbox" checked="checked" name="_spring_security_remember_me" class="remember-me">下次自动登录</label></p></li><li class="last"><input type="submit" class="btn" value="登 录" /></li></ul></form></div></div></div><ul class="form other-form"><li><h5>使用第三方帐号登录</h5></li><li class="other-login"><a class="sina" target="_blank" href=""></a><a class="qq" target="_blank" href=""></a><a class="alipay" target="_blank" href=""></a><a class="taobao" target="_blank" id="tb-login" href=""></a><a class="baidu" target="_blank" href=""></a><a class="qihoo360" target="_blank" href=""></a></li></ul></div></div>'; if (NALA.isPhone) { location.href = "/login/auth"; return; } b = a.dialog({ title: "您尚未登录", lock: true, fixed: true, padding: "0", id: "login", content: c, init: function() { var g = a("#login-nala-form"), k = g.find("input[name=j_username]"), j = g.find("input[name=j_password]"), i = g.find("input[type=submit]"), f = g.find("li.error_box em"), h = g.find("li.text_input"); g.find("input").focus(function() { h.removeClass("params_error"); }); g.submit(function() { var l = a.trim(k.val()), o = a.trim(j.val()), n, m; if (i.hasClass("disabled")) { return false; } if (l == "" || o == "") { n = (l == "") ? "请输入用户名" : "请输入密码"; f.text(n).show().delay(2000).fadeOut(); return false; } i.addClass("disabled").val("登录中"); m = { j_username: l, j_password: o, _spring_security_remember_me: "on" }; a.ajax({ url: "/j_spring_security_check", type: "post", data: m, dataType: "json", success: function(p) { if (p.status == 1) { location.href = e; } else { if (p.status == 0) { i.removeClass("disabled").val("登 录"); f.text("您输入的密码和用户名不匹配").show().delay(2000).fadeOut(); h.addClass("params_error"); } } }, error: function(p) { if (p.status == 200) { location.reload(); } else { i.removeClass("disabled").val("登 录"); NALA.dialog.warn("服务器忙,请稍后再试。(" + p.status + ")"); } } }); return false; }); a.ajax({ url: "/user/ajaxUnionLoginFilter" }); } }); var d = '<div style="width:360px; text-indent: 2em; font-size: 14px; margin-bottom: 10px;">因淘宝联合登录故障,新用户请选择其他方式登录,老会员请联系客服取回您的淘宝联合登录账号。对您造成的不便,丽子表示抱歉。</div><p style="text-align: center;"><a href="" class="graybtn" target="_blank"><i class="iconfont" style="color:#f70; font-size:14px;">6</i> 点此咨询客服</a></p>'; a("#tb-login").on("click", function() { NALA.dialog.creat({ id: "tblogin-error", title: "登录故障", content: d }); return false; }); } }; })(jQuery); $(function() { var a = NALA.common; a.showLoginInfo(); a.head_cart_event(); a.mainNav_animate(); a.searchBar(); a.lazyload(); a.toolBar(); });